La pelle che di notte ascolto è la tua, quella che hai dentro velo di stelle e vento che mi sfiora e sussurra sogni.
The first known inhabitants of Sicily take us to Paleolithic period (2,500,000 years B.C.). We have consistent evidence of populations that came from Asia Minor and were already in Sicily when the Greeks arrived to build their colonies.
The skin I listen to at night is yours, the very one that you inhabit veil of stars and wind that touches me and whispers dreams.

È un arazzo di pioggia, i fili si annodano nel silenzio, è un intarsio policromo di sensi e gemiti celesti,
Greek temples of Segesta, Agrigento and Selinunte are within the most iconic places of the island
It is a tapestry of rain the threads knotting in silence, it is a multi-coloured patchwork of heavenly senses and murmurings
è un mosaico di possibilità intime e ineluttabili. La pelle che bramo respirare è la tua, mia terra natale
Ancient villages to discover on your bike
it is a mosaic of possibilities intimate and inescapable. The skin I long to breathe is yours, my native land
tue le distese che le mani mie percorrono bendato, tue le cime che le labbra mie cercano assetato, tuo il nettare che scorre, mio il culto di te, tempio
Quiet roads are waiting to be cycled
yours are the expanses that, blindfold, my hands touch yours are the peaks that my lips look for thirstily, yours is the nectar that flows, mine is the worship of you, temple

La pelle che i miei brividi palpitano nel pensarti è la tua, lo scrigno del tuo corpo assonante col mio quando innalziamo il nostro canto agli Dèi dell'attimo eterno
MT ETNA's lava flow over the millennia has shaped the majority of the east side of the island. Nowadays it is the highest active volcano in Europe and offers unforgettable experiences to explore when you go there.
Yours is the skin that sends shivers down my spine, thinking of you the treasure trove of your body rhyming with mine when we raise our song to the eternal Gods

e così avviene che ritorniamo a casa dalle nostre lontananze
Nature in Sicily is majestic in different ways. Plants from various places in the world have found a new habitat here enriching an already exceptional place
and thus we return home from our distant lands
Biking to Regaleali estate and enjoy their wines and hospitality is often part of our sicilian bike tours.
You feel like to step back in time or being part of the novel The Leopard written by the sicilian writer Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

Sicily is sun and warmth, making it pleasant weather year-round. In Sicily you can really bike any month of the year, above all along the coast where the climate is very mild.
Pleasant feeling of camaraderie during and after pedaling, pedaling together, suffering together along the uphill, celebrating together at the end of pedaling
Small villages along the coast or inland are pleasant places to stop.
Here you can recover your energy and meet the locals
Alone or in a group. Using a road bike, hybrid or E-bike. You choose your comfort and your pace

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